

Are you new to the area and searching for a Veterinarian? Maybe your pet needs a specialist? Perhaps you just want to keep a list handy in case of an emergency. Here is a list of the many hospitals, specialty and emergency centers we have assited. Remember that VetMedics Inc. is here to provide all your critical and non-emergency transportation needs 7 days a week.


Flannery Animal Hopsital – 845-565-7387 https://vcahospitals.com/flannery

Taconic Rt. 202 24 Veterinary Center- 1-914-737-2437 www.24hrvetcenter.com

Animal Specialty Center-Yonkers 1-914-457-4000 https://www.animalspecialtycenter.com/

Katonah-Bedford Veterinary Center 1-914-241-7700 https://vcahospitals.com/katonah-bedford

Oradell Animal Hospital, Paramus, NJ 1-201-262-0010 www.oradell.com

Cornell University Veterinary Specialists 1-203-595-2777 www.cuvs.org

Blue Pearl Veterinary Partners- Paramus, NJ 1-201-527-6699 www.bluepearlvet.com

Animal Emergency Clinic of the Hudson Valley – Poughkeepsie 845-471-8242 www.aechv.com

Animal Emergency Clinic of the Hudson Valley- Kingston 845-336-0713 www.aechv.com

Upstate Veterinary Specialists 1-518-783-3198 www.uvsonline.com

Newtown Veterinary Specialists 1-203-270-8387 www.newtownvets.com

Animal Medical Center NYC 1-212-838-8100 www.amcny.org

Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists 1-631-285-7780 www.atlanticcoastvet.com

Blue Pearl Veterinary Partners-Manhattan 1-212-767-0099 www.bluepearlvet.com

The Veterinary Cancer Center of Norwalk, CT 1-203-838-6626 www.vcchope.com



Dutchess County Animal Hospital 845-452-1316 www.mydcah.com

Ark Animal Hospital 845-849-3379 www.arkanimalhospital.com

Flannery Animal Hospital 845-565-7387 https://vcahospitals.com/flannery

Hudson Highlands Veterinary Medical Group 845-221-2244 


Carmel Animal Hospital 845-225-4200 

Companion Animal Hospital- Fishkill 845-896-4830 / Carmel 845-878-3030 www.companionpethospital.com 

Compassion Veterinary Hospital 845-473-0358 www.compassionvet.com

Creature Comforts Animal Hospital 845-625-2474 www.creaturecomfortsanimalhosp.com 

East Fishkill Animal Hospital 845-221-0695 www.eastfishkillanimalhospital.com 

Full Circle Animal Hospital 845-234-4417 www.fullcirclevethospital.com

Community Animal Hospital 845-471-7459 https://www.mycommunityanimal.com/ 

Earth Angels Veterinary Hospital 845-227-7297 www.earthangelsvet.com 

Mahopac Animal Hospital 845-628-2700 www.mahopacvet.com 

Wappingers Animal Hospital 845-297-2727 http://anhospwf.com/

Dutchess Animal Clinic 845-223-6363 www.dutchessanimalclinic.com 

New Paltz Animal Hospital 845-255-5055 www.newpaltzanimalhospital.com

Rhinebeck Animal Hospital 845-876-6008 www.rhinebeckanimalhospital.com


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Monday-Saturday 6am-8pm, Sundays 6am-3pm

CALL 845-202-7200

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