
World Rabies Day

World Rabies Day Is the Perfect Time to Vaccinate Your Pet Is your pet’s rabies vaccination current? The vaccine offers a simple, effective way to protect your pet from the deadly disease. Although the number of rabies cases in the U.S. has declined, thanks to...

Training Tips for Your Pets

6 Tips to Help You Learn How to Train Your Pet If you’ve ever tried to teach your pet a command or trick, you know that training isn’t always as easy as the experts on YouTube videos make it look. These six tips just may make the training process less...

Pets and Newborns

How to Get Your Pet Acclimated to Your New Addition You never know how your pet will react to a new baby in your home. Some animals don’t even seem to notice the new addition to the family while others regard the introduction of a small, crying creature as a...

Video Games and Your Pet

Does your pet want to play video games, too? People aren’t the only ones playing video games these days. Plenty of dogs and cats are spending hours catching virtual fish or playing complicated memory games. Although your pet may enjoy the games, are they a good...

Lost Pets

Lost Your Pet? These 5 Steps May Help You Find Your Companion It only takes a second for your pet to dash out an open door or slip through a gate that didn’t latch properly. Some animals seem to vanish just minutes after they make their escape, causing heartache...